Join us for a “Meet & Greet,” sponsored by the Jefferson and Harrison Counties Housing & Homelessness Coalition, on Thursday, August 3rd!
This in-person (and virtual) event will provide you the opportunity to get acquainted with those working in the housing and homelessness sector, and learn more about the efforts of the Coalition and its impact on our community.
If you are not able to attend but know of someone who might be interested in this important work, please feel free to pass the invitation along to them.
If you would like to attend, we have two options – in-person at the offices of Southeastern Ohio Legal Services (500 Market Street, 7th Floor, Steubenville), or virtually via the link below:,%22Oid%22:%22bed5b88c-24e6-4acf-9d80-4f2d5f2e99ef%22%7D

We look forward to seeing you on August 3rd!